Meet John, an 8-year-old in Illupeju-Ekiti, Nigeria, attending a village school amid financial struggles. His family relies on a small food stall in the local market. Despite limited means, John's spirit remains strong. His dreams go beyond the village; he envisions a future in computers, software, or engineering. Driven by Desire and Curiousity, he is determined to strive towards this. John dreams to give back to his parents, and he aspires to have his talents contribute meaningfully to his life, and the lives of others.
Our role is to support and nurture the potential of young minds, like John. By helping them shape their minds, and equipping them with the skills they need to move closer to their unique dreams. Our aim is to ensure that their background does not overshadow the Brilliance of their Dreams.
You’re the Hope of Others.
Your actions embody the promise of a better tomorrow. By supporting our cause, you extend a lifeline of compassion and support to those who need it most, transforming despair into dreams and hardship into hope.
Meet Abel, a 19-year-old 'hustler' with a natural talent for communication and street smarts, coming from a respectable middle-class family in Lagos, Nigeria. Although Abel showed exceptional intelligence, his academic path took a different turn. While doing well initially, he allowed himself to lose focus, and fell into the wrong crowd, skipping classes to make money with his 'crew'. Somehow Abel found himself involved in questionable activities and even fraud. A life he later realised he did not want. Now, Abel has a good heart, he has just simply lost his way. He dreams to one day own a legitimate business. To build something that he can be proud to have invested his time and efforts in. Something that could make a positive difference in his life and in the lives of those around him.
In this, our role is to be the guiding force for bright minds like Abel.To connect them with a mentor, and to introduce them to online workshops, training, and more importantly, support them as they retrace their steps.Our aim is to provide the extra push they need to rediscover themselves, their values, reignite their Desires and realize their Dreams.
Meet Mama Amina, a young mother brimming with intelligence, nurturing instincts, and a determined spirit.She is a provider, a carer and a goal-getter but struggles to navigate and guide her children in this tech-driven world.Lacking the knowledge and skills in technology, she is unable to ensure their online safety of her children nor teach them the most constructive ways to use technology to achieve their Dreams.She must rely on her children for these aspects and with so much accessible through technology, it is a situation that could potentially lead to great harm for her family or their future.
Our role is to empower strong mothers like Mama Amina by providing essential technological skills so that they may not only protect but also enhance their families well-being.Through online ICT training, we equip them with the knowledge to ensure their children's safety online and to utilize technology for educational and administrative purposes. Our aim is to give them the means to protect their family and open themselves up to countless ways to serve themselves and they those they love.